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Home - Tech in Vehicle Repair Industry – New Year’s Expectation

Tech in vehicle repair Industry - New year's expectations

Vehicle Repair
The automotive or vehicle repair industry is also focusing on utilising modern technologies to enhance the performance of automobiles. The main focus behind this practice is improving vehicles’ design, performance, and efficiency without compromising the user’s satisfaction.

Within a few years, the automotive repair industry has seen a surge in new technologies and practices to deliver valued services to its clients. Like other industries, this industry is also changing continuously. From EVs to driverless vehicles, you can clearly see the exciting transformations in the vehicle industry.

It is all because of emerging tech trends and their compliances in the automotive industry. Do you really want to excel in your car repair industry in 2024? You can surely reshape your car servicing industry by considering the following trends:

7 Emerging Tech Trends in Vehicle Repair Industry in 2024

Before focusing on the emerging automotive repair industry trends in 2024, you must understand the facts and fundamental impacts of technologies on this business. Rising technologies and continuously shaping vehicles are the primary reasons for the increased need for quality services to align your automotive business with modern trends.
The main reason for the dropping prices of vehicles is the increased demand for EV-compliant cars and other vehicles. You can see that electric vehicles are continuously replacing traditional cars on the roads. However, conventional automotive repair garages need more expertise and training to deal with electric vehicles.

Garages need basic knowledge, training, and modern equipment and tools to deal with electric vehicles in the best possible way. Garage temperature maintenance is also a crucial consideration before repairing an electric car.

Indeed, a garage needs to comply with all safety, maintenance, and repair standards before dealing with an electric vehicle. Moreover, technicians may need proper training to repair or maintain EVs as best as possible.
Along with EVs, you can also see an apparent surge in the use of AI technologies and techniques in the automotive repair industry. New EVs and even modern vehicles are based on machine learning and deep versions of computer technologies. Most modern cars and EVs use these techniques to self-guide or self-drive their vehicles.

This AI trend is also helping car owners to get better inspection and car insurance services based on all proofs and records. On the other hand, robotic mechanisms help industries reduce costs and increase production rates. So, AI technologies are making the automotive businesses much better than before.
Modern technologies allow EV owners to monitor or operate their vehicles even from mobiles. It is all because of the emerging usage of IOT (Internet of Things) in the automotive industry. Now, vehicle owners or technicians can predict the maintenance span, needed repairs and real-time vehicle updates using these modern technologies.

This modern trend or feature has increased the demand for user-friendly and contemporary vehicles. People are more aware of the benefits of IOT features to improve their car’s performance and maintenance.

Most fleet management companies are encouraging this trend because it has made it easy for them to maintain or hail many vehicles at low cost and effort. Besides maintenance and increased performance, remote monitoring is also helping car owners with automotive payments such as tolls and fuel.
Modern organisations are continuously demanding environmental sustainability. A green environment focusing on the automotive industry is possible as it plays a significant part in pollution.

The increased demand for a green environment has also increased the demand for electric or sustainable vehicles. So, EVs will be the emerging and leading trend of 2024. This trend also impacts car servicing shops and garages, which need to train their mechanics to deal with EVs (electric vehicles) with the proper care considerations.

No doubt, most car garages and car bodywork shops are offering all-in-one repair and maintenance services for EVs, especially in the UK. This focus on sustainability is also smoothing the way for automotive repair industries.
To make their EV repair and maintenance business better than others, most of the Car repair garages are offering customer-oriented repairs. In addition to providing quality services to all their valuable clients and users, automotive repair industries also focus on minimising repair and maintenance time.

For instance, London Motor Sports offers clients a comfortable and convenient waiting area and a garage. So, they can wait there while their vehicles are maintained or repaired. This customer-oriented trend provides a better user experience and focuses on setting a business apart from others.
Even though people prefer buying cars and other vehicles with modern technologies, older cars are still the trend. According to recent research, more than 15% of cars in the UK are older than ten to fifteen years old. It is all because of the shortage of new vehicles or the high production of modern vehicles.

On the other hand, most car owners prefer to keep their old vehicles or cars because of their low maintenance costs. It doesn’t mean that a car servicing garage or company don’t need to learn modern repairing technologies. They need to understand modern and older repair trends to deal proficiently with all types of vehicles.
With time, older car repair technicians are getting retired. So, the need for well-trained and well-equipped technicians is rising. Due to the low number of automotive techs in industries, the concern for new techs is considerable, especially for the modern garages and repair companies.

However, highly-trained and expert technicians are required to fill this role. The reason is that a technician who only knows the old repairing and maintenance practices couldn’t deal with modern equipment, especially EVs. If you are running an automotive repair shop or garage, it would be best to start searching for well-trained technicians earlier, as it will be an emerging trend in 2024 in the automotive industry.
Vehicle Repair Garage

Final Words

These are a few emerging tech trends in the vehicle repair industry. These trends undoubtedly have drawbacks and positive impacts on the automotive repair business. According to most professionals, the automotive industry is continuously changing.

People are still figuring out where these trends will take the automotive industry in 2024 and the following years. As the leading changes in this industry, garage owners and repair businesses are continuously trying to configure the effects of these trends.

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