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Safety First: Knowing When It's Time for a New Car Windscreen

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Most people think replacing a car windscreen is simple. It is, for sure, easy, but only for professionals. No matter what kind of repair the windshield requires, one should always pay attention. If you are thinking about neglecting the installation of a new windscreen because of the high cost of replacing your car’s windscreen, you are wrong! By doing so, you are not only compromising your safety but also decreasing your car’s value. This post explores all the aspects needed to understand the importance of a new windscreen for your car. So, read this guide to delve into the further details as windscreen replacement isn’t only a matter of car look:

Why Does Car Windscreen Replacement Matter?

Apart from adding value and class to your car, windscreen also has several advantages for your vehicle. A windshield’s first and foremost benefit is safety against weather conditions such as rain, storms and dust. 

It may be a mistake to overlook your car windscreen replacement or repair. Here are a few points that will help you to understand the functional importance of windscreen repairs or replacement:

Offer Structural Support

Whether you agree or not on this point, a car windscreen is directly related to the structural integrity of your vehicle. This component supports your car in the case of an accident or collision. On the other hand, it also supports the car’s roof and prevents it from collapsing.

Help in Better Working of Airbags

We all know about the functionality of airbags. Most modern cars, even regular cars, have airbags. A car windscreen helps the airbags deploy better in a sudden situation or accident. When an accident occurs, the windscreen applies direct force on the airbags towards the driver, saving him from severe injury.

Clear Road Vision Without Obstruction

Apart from safety and the accurate deployment of airbags, a car windscreen is also a primary source of providing a clear vision of the road without any distractions. A clear and fully repaired windscreen ensures that you can see throughout the road while driving without any obstruction. So, even a minor crack on the windshield can directly impact the driver's vision and safety.

Improve Vehicle Strength

Most modern cars, especially luxury cars, are designed with human safety in mind. That’s why manufacturers prefer using lightweight materials for vehicles without compromising quality and safety. The main reason for using lightweight materials is to improve fuel efficiency. Unfortunately, lightweight material in cars may also lead to structural rigidity in severe accidents or cases. Still, the windscreen strengthens your vehicle by supporting the car’s roof.

What are the Signs for Car Windscreen Replacement?

You have clearly understood the importance of a windscreen for your car. Let’s explore a few common signs that show it’s time for car windscreen replacement:

Visible Cracks

Visible cracks and chips on the windscreen after a collision or collapse are clear signs that the windshield needs to be repaired or replaced. Remember that even a minor crack on the windshield can ultimately weaken the entire frame of the windscreen. So, a minor crack on the windscreen is a clear sign to search for “windscreen replacement near me”.

Multiple Cracks

Multiple cracks or visible significant cracks on the windscreen are clear signs that the car's windscreen needs to be replaced. It would be a mistake to overlook the windscreen repairs even for a second after witnessing the multiple cracks.

Improper Repairs

After a minor crack, it's time to consider the entire windscreen replacement if you have tried windscreen repairs but ultimately failed. Unluckily, improper maintenance can damage or weaken the windscreen structure entirely. So, replace the screen as soon as possible for a safe drive.

Aged Windscreen

Most people don’t consider the age of a car windscreen as a factor behind the need for its replacement. But wear and tear may indeed start in the windshield with time. If you witness visibility issues through the windscreen over time, it’s a clear sign for windscreen replacement.

Rattling Noise

If you hear a rattling noise from the windscreen, it might be due to the screen's weakening structure. Take your car to a professional technician to inspect this issue. If he suggests replacing or repairing your car’s windscreen, do it as soon as possible to preserve your car’s value.

How to Replace a Car Windscreen?

After learning the importance of the car windscreen and the basic signs for replacement, it’s time to understand the windscreen replacement process. It is always recommended that you hire a professional technician to replace the windscreen. Here are a few steps you may need to follow if you want to replace the windscreen:

Windscreen Inspection

Windscreen inspection or examination is the foremost step in its repair or replacement. It will help identify the issuing areas so you can focus on them more clearly than on undamaged areas. If you are unaware of windscreen inspection, hire a professional technician. If the damages are minor, a professional may suggest repairs rather than replacing the entire windscreen.

Choose OEM Windscreen

We don’t recommend buying a low-quality copy windscreen for your valuable car to cut the cost of car replacement. Apart from the safety factor, a windshield also plays a crucial role in your vehicle's overall appearance or value. That’s why contact a technician or professional garage offering replacement OEM parts.

Remove the Old Windscreen

After ordering or buying the OEM windscreen for replacement, it’s time to remove damaged or old windscreen. Let the professional technician do it himself without damaging the car’s structure or frame.

Install New Windscreen

Install the new windscreen with excellent proficiency. Rather than doing it yourself, let an experienced technician install it better or use modern techniques. A professional will focus on all details as he completely understands that buying and installing a new windscreen every second day is not easy.

Assure the Quality of Installed Windscreen

Once the new windscreen is installed, remember to ensure its quality. You can do it yourself by thoroughly examining the installed windscreen. During quality assurance, check the windshield for proper placement and functionality, such as visibility. 

Final Words

Hopefully, after reading this post, you have clearly understood the importance of car windscreens. The windshield is one of those parts that require a lot of attention and care if you don’t want to compromise your car’s quality and value.  Indeed, a windscreen is the first thing to defend you against rain, dust and other sudden situations on the roads. So, replace or repair the windscreen if you notice even minor scratches on the windshield, as it is essential for your safety.
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