London Motor Sports

Lucrative Car Mechanical Services
in Just a Single Click

Replace your cars’ old and damaged parts with modern and high-quality parts by availing of the unparalleled services of LMS.
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Approved Car Repair Garage

Unrivalled in Our Category

We Go On Hand & Knee to Repair Your Vehicles

Are your car mechanics charging more and still unable to provide the utmost servicing of your car? It means you are ringing the wrong doorbell for car mechanical services. LMS has repairmen who wholly assess your vehicles, identify the problem and then mend it like it never existed.

You provide the specifics of your cars in real-time and see the spell of our streamlined process to free your car from any fixing. From your engine replacement to powertrain diagnostics, we have the masters for all sorts of repairs.
If your car has more than usual issues, do not try to create a mess by dealing with it alone; hire remarkable mechanics to vandalize it. Get a brief panorama of what includes in the crop-up of our services.

We Vamp Up Your Cars to Run Long on Roads

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Book Quotes in Seconds

Say goodbye to traditional booking methods and get our service by putting info in a single form.

Car Mechanical Services

Your Slots, Our Mechanics

Our technicians will identify the trouble and repair your cars to make them worthy again.

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Service Speaks Itself

A worry-free mending of your cars without any dictation. We inspect and repair your vehicles.


Car Mechanical Services - Get Your Car Tune-up

Your engine is not working, it’s summer and your air conditioning is not working, and your car is not in tip-top condition. Would it run smoothly and seamlessly on roads? No, so what do you have to do then?

Only a well-established garage with up-to-date equipment can be the explication for it. In that situation, you will get the future-proof services of the LMS, which is at the top of the list of people. Now what makes it whimsical is given below


Make Your Vehicle Roadworthy

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If your clutch is worn, you may notice a high biting point which makes it difficult to change gears without stalling, a juddering or vibrating when the pedal goes up, or rising engine revs even when driving on flat roads at a consistent speed.

If your clutch is worn, you may notice a high biting point which makes it difficult to change gears without stalling, a juddering or vibrating when the pedal goes up, or rising engine revs even when driving on flat roads at a consistent speed.

Revitalize Your Car Mechanics With Our Manoeuvre

Book a Quote and Get Discounts on Our Services From Time to Time

Stop Uncovering the “Car Mechanical Services Near Me” When We Are Here

Future-proof services are the demand of the time, so LMS is a highly maintained garage in London W12 7AH. Our services are unbeatable. Reason? Because we do not allow minor negligence, our repairers keep their eyes open to mend each mechanical damage to your car.
Conclusively speaking, we all know that a minor inconvenience in car bonnets can cost a life. And for us, your life and cars are both precious. The hands that repair your fuels, AC, suspensions and exhausts are the ones who have unmatchable expertise and years of experience. If you are vexed for the “mechanic shop near me” while standing at 142 Bentworth Road, then do not dive into searches and get a quote with LMS today.
We know you are already juggling your car’s mechanical parts so we do not add to your frustration by delivering the complicated booking process. We are easy to get on. Go on the website, book a quote, discuss the details on a call with our tandems and see how LMS perform to make your cars capable of running seamlessly on the roads.

We Think Out of the Box to
Troubleshoot Your Problem

You Car Mechanical Services will be done by our adept technicians

Providing All Types of Car Maintenance Services

Engine Replacement

Automatic Gearbox Replacement

Brake Pad Replacement

Shock Absorber Repair

Car Exhaust Repair & Replacement

Power Steering Replacement

Car AC Repair

Fuel System Repair

Clutch Replacement

Timing Belt Replacement

Auxiliary Belt Replacement

Engine Mount Replacement

Turbo Replacement

Car Oil Change

How to Book an LMS Car Mechanic Near Me

10+ years of experience, a team of satisfied customers, a whole grip on the mechanical services and a comprehensive garage with well-established equipment is an accurate description of LMS. Our prices are competitive, and we do not startle our clients by demanding even a single extra penny. See the perks and process to know how we are breaking the traditions.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything in your car bonnet which needs mending and replacement counts in mechanical repair. If your engine has issues, the water pump is not working, or the clutch is causing problems, our LMS mechanics will repair any other vehicle machinery. We also detect the faults in your vehicles.
The duration of mechanical repair depends upon the complexity of the damage to any part. It might take a few hours or even days. For extensive damage to other parts, such as if your engine is faulty or needs a replacement, it might take a day or days rather than a few hours.
If there is rattling in the engine, squeaking noise, grinding in rotors and pads or any kind of popping sounds and loss of warning lights, then it’s a clear indication that you need to bring your car to the garage for mechanical repair. And when it comes to finding out a garage, then, LMS is unbeatable. It has a dedicated repairman with the latest equipment to mend your vehicle.
There is a list of mechanical repairs per the cars’ needs. Such as suspension repairs, engine repairs, exhaust and cooling system repairs. You can also seek services from the LMS for all these repairs, along with electrical maintenance and transmission repairs.
The expenditure of mechanical repair could be erratic for each individual. For instance, if someone is booking the LMS services for brake pad replacement, its cost would be completely different from the one who wants the replacement of the entire engine. So first, choose your service and know the price from one of our teammates.
The key benefit of regular maintenance is that your car will stay roadworthy and reduce the risk of road accidents and improper performance of your vehicle. The most obvious thing that will come with it is that your safety won’t be at risk. So bring your car to our garage as we ensure the services that keep your vehicle roadworthy.
Based on the rule of thumb, your vehicle at least goes for a mechanical check once or twice a year. But on the other hand, certain conditions are implemented along with how much you drive your cars, what the model of your vehicle and how many years you have been using this car.
LMS is very clear about the rights of the car owner. Such as they can ask for the total repair cost and has the right to accept or reject the offer. They can be there during the whole repair process, and even after the car is handed over to the owner, they can cross-check if the vehicle’s condition is the same or if it is adequately repaired.

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